What Is Title Insurance in BC?

Title insurance is an indemnity insurance that protects the owner/borrower from losses associated with title to real estate. It is generally an expense paid by the buyer at closing, and it covers both parties in the event of any issues with the title of a property. 

Title insurance protects buyers and lenders from claims brought against them for fraudulent or forged documents and errors in public records.

Understanding Title Insurance.

Title insurance protects buyers and lenders against any losses due to title errors, liens, encumbrances, or other legal issues related to the property. Homebuyers need to understand what is covered by title insurance to make sure they are protected from potential problems down the road.

Title insurance typically covers legal fees, court costs, and any losses associated with title errors. However, it does not cover any damages caused by natural disasters or other events beyond the buyer’s or lender’s control. 

Purchasing Title Insurance.

When purchasing a home, it is vital to purchase title insurance to protect both parties from any potential issues that may arise. Depending on the size of the property and its location. The cost of title insurance will vary.

Types of Title Insurance.

Lenders’ and owner’s or purchaser’s insurance are the two types of title insurance.

Lenders typically require lender’s title insurance to protect their investment in case of a property title problem. This type of policy covers the lender if any claims arise from a lien, encumbrance, or other issue related to the property.

On the other hand, the owner’s title insurance is purchased by buyers to protect them in case they face legal action.

Risks of Not Having Title Insurance.

Having no title insurance can be a significant risk for homebuyers. 

Without it, buyers are not protected from any potential problems that may arise from the title of the property. These issues could include the following:

  • Errors in public records or titles
  • Unpaid taxes or liens on the property
  • Forged documents or fraudulent sales
  • Undiscovered heir claims against the property
  • Unknown easements or restrictions on the land
  • Unrecorded mortgages or other encumbrances on the property.

How Do I Buy Title Insurance?

To purchase title insurance, buyers should contact their Lawyer or Notary for more information and the Title insurance is paid for by the buyer at the Solicitor’s office. 

Buyers must read through the policy carefully to understand what is covered. Once all the details are understood, buyers can purchase the title insurance and add it to the closing costs.

How much does title insurance cost?

Generally, title insurance is a one-time payment at closing that is typically paid by the buyer. Depending on the property’s value, the cost can commonly range from $150-$350. Buyers must understand what is covered under their policy to ensure they are adequately protected. Additionally, buyers should contact an insurer or their lawyer for more information on pricing and coverage options.

Before buying title insurance, buyers must inspect the property’s title to ensure it is free from any liens, encumbrances, liens, or debts on the previous property owner’s other issues. This can be done by ordering a title search from a third-party provider or through an attorney specializing in real estate law. 

The Bottom Line

Title insurance is a must-have for any homebuyer. It is a critical way to protect buyers from any potential issues that may arise with the title of their property, such as errors in public records or taxes, forged documents, or unknown heir claims. Buyers must understand what type of coverage they are getting and do a thorough title search before purchasing title insurance. It is generally a one-time payment at closing that can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

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